Touch for Health Certification Course
Touch for Health
Energy Kinesiology Certification Course
Kealakekua, Hawaii
maintaining, regaining and improving health for you,
your family, your pets, or your clients
Learn the tools to:
- Effectively Release Emotional Stress
- Increase energy, improved posture,
- Accelerate Recovery From Illness and Injury
- Enhance digestion and elimination
- Achieve greater over all relaxation.
- Relieve Headaches, Backaches, Muscle Cramps, Acute/Chronic pain
Level 1
- Basic balancing techniques
- 14 Muscle checks
- 14 Basic Meridians
Level 2
- 14 more muscle checks
- The Law of Five Elements
- Find a single key-point to balance the entire system
Level 3
- 14 more muscle checks
- The interaction of muscles is studied further.
- techniques for dealing with chronic pain
Level 4
- Review of TFH l-lll
- All 42 muscles tests
- Balance using emotions and sounds
This can be used as a stand alone healing modality or
as a diagnostic tool and a complementary/integrative treatment aid
for health practitioners, life coaches and others.
Nurses, Massage Therapists, and Certified Trainers
Can Earn 15 CEU’s for each of the 4 levels.