Number one thing that separates Lomi from other types of massage is prayer pule We always pule before starting. Learn the history of Lomilomi Massage and the Hawaiian culture. Then, the basic Lomilomi massage routine as taught by Auntie Margaret Machado (Hawaiian Kahuna)
Auntie taught us that we are all pebble people. Papa’ili’ili (Used pebbles to teach the body) Learn how to use your body properly and how to use various tools to ease your hands. I have had private lessons with Auntie to learn injury care. I started in 1985. I have been in da same office for 29 years. I was trained by the masters.
We will be learning how to work with the bodyCushion. This is a wonderful tool to help your clients and you reach a deeper level of comfort, relaxation and alignment.
I combine Energy Kinesiology with every Lomilomi massage I do. I will demonstrate how to combine it with massage for greater results.
I would like Everyone to schedule a treatment from me before taking class. That way you can feel a complete Lomilomi massage especially if you are only doing level 1.
Level 1 $222 Level 1 & 2 $422
*For more great information about Lomilomi check out my Lomilomi page & the Resolution page.