New Meridian Massage Video
Watch my New Meridian Massage Video …
Let’s trace our Meridians together starting this Meridian Massage.
We start with the stomach …
Touch under the eyes and move down and up around the head, down the body and all the way out through the second toe …
Then coming back up the body all the way up to the arm pits for the spleen meridian and down just a little …
Turn your palm up to trace the heart meridian from the arm pit going down to the little finger and back, doing the same on the other side …
Turn your hands over and coming back up, trace up to the arm pit for the small intestine meridian …
All the way up to the mouth and across to the ears …
The bladder meridian starts at the head and goes up and over it, then all the way down the back side to go down out through the baby toe …
Coming up the inside for the kidney meridian.
All the way to your collar bone.
Circulation sex meridian all the way from your nipple to your middle finger. Do this on both sides.
Ring finger tripple warmer coming back up to the ear ring and back around the ears on both sides.
Gall bladder meridian from the eyes back to the ears and up over the head with a little circle over the head. Then down and back up to move down the sides of the body.
Coming back up through for the liver meridian between the big toe and the second toe, fanning out at the hips and coming up under the breasts.
The lung meridian then is activated by going down to your thumb on both sides.
Turn your hands over for the large intestine meridian from the index finger going up the body one side and flicking out by the nose … going down the other side. Coming back up and again over by the nose.
Now lets do our central governing muscles.
Swoosh up the body several times.
And then do the same behind you, flipping it back up and around you … over the face and then lock it up.
And there you have it your Meridian Massage in about two minutes!
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And if you would like to know more about the benefits of the Meridian Massage and the importance of your energetic system please read my blog on the topic here.